
Really like the thought of owning a kindle but you don’t know where to start or which one is for you?


look no further, i’m going to show you all the pros to the new range of kindles and what you should consider when buying!

So firstly i’m going to give you a few features that new range of kindles all share. I’m going to introduce you to some of the best in the market at the moment.

These are currently some of Amazons best selling products and i can see why!

they all have:

  • A high resolution 300ppi display which reads like real paper!
  • Brand new exclusive font which is designed to read easily in all sizes
  • A built-in adjustable light, Read whenever you like!
  • No screen glare
  • Just one full charge can last weeks
  • Its much lighter than a paperback and can hold thousands of books
  • Also now with exclusive features to help build vocabulary and learn about the characters

The best thing about these kindles is the fact you can choose over 800,000 titles and now comes with a huge selection of audio books.

For information about each Kindle and how they differ please either click on the tab that says “The range of Kindles” or click this link: The range of Kindles

Hope you find our information helpful and you’re a step closer to deciding which one you like.



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